Secondary Music Program - Friday Dec 6th @ 6:30 pm, New Gym.

Elementary Music Program - Tuesday, Dec 3rd @ 6:30 pm, New Gym
Students should report to classrooms by 6:15 pm.

Nebraska History Museum visit for NHD Students.

Meet the Eagles Night - Tonight!
Girl's Scrimmage - 5:30 pm
Boy's Scrimmage - 6:30 pm
Admission - $1

All Seniors Plan to Attend: Applying for Scholarships, Dec 13th @ 3pm, Mrs. Richardson's Office.

Early Release - Wed, November 27th @ 1:45pm

Congrats to JB One-Act for taking 1st place at Pawnee City Drama Festival.
Outstanding Preformance to: Kade, Ty, Eddie, Josh, Elaina, and Skylar.
Superior Set Design: Jenna, Charity, and Audrey
Best Supporting Male Actor and Best Evil Laugh: Josh

Thanks to everyone for supporting JB One-Act yesterday! The cast & crew appreciate your support! Results: 1 - PC 2- NCL 3- JB 4-FCSH 5-HTRS *Outstanding Performance Awards to -- Elaina, Ty, Skylar, Eddie, Josh, David, Kade Outstanding Male Performer of the Conference -- Josh!!

Congratulations Eagles!
Pioneer Conference Football Honors:
Ty Hahn – First Team Offense and First Team Defense
Logan Cash – Second Team Offence
Caleb Fossenbarger – Honorable Mention Offense and Defense

Sophomores.... Please sign out of 1-4 for Thursday's Pre-ACT testing.

JB Eagles and Fans enjoy Friday night lights!
Photo's by Hailey Sandfort

Students @ JB are busy with the new School Year!
Photo's by Hailey Sandfort